Stand up for Mothering!

If mothering isn’t one of the more important things that shape our society and our future, I don’t know what is.

Somehow though I think it gets taken for granted. That couldn’t be more clear from the announcement that the leading organization that researches the topic is being forced to close. How is it that an organization like this cannot get more support?

Of course, people are making themselves heard on the interwebz. My partner Shawna started up a Facebook Group and the blogosphere and media are taking notice too.

It’s an important organization that runs very lean. I can’t help but believe that this should be one that the global community can rally and save. First step, join the group.

Yes, even that helps as it’s a channel to broadcast and connect for the next actions that we can take. And yes, the numbers of participants do matter. It helps people take notice.

So please do. And please spread the word. For mothers and the future of mothering.

P.S. Thanks Mom for everything you’ve done to bring me into this world and guide me into who I am.