Those who know me know that this is a persistent theme with me – and now provoked by @josephdee – maybe it’s time to take this into a more focused conversation with a few more folks.
- The way of the world is borked.
- The web (among other things) is shifting the way we organize resources, ourselves and create new things (W)
- From that (in part) is emerging a new mode of organizing where the organization itself (not just the product) is peer produced (PP0).
- Design is the essential process of intentionally creating things (D)
- ‘Un-borking’ our world means creating our future through W+PPO+D.
The conversation I’d like to have:
- is this premise (or something close to it) something that we really buy into?
- if so, what does it mean to put it in practice ourselves?
- how do we weave it into the practices of others?
- what are we (each individually and collectively) doing about it?
So I ask, what do you think about the premise, the conversation, and do you want to participate in this conversation (or maybe you are already having it)?
A couple of us have floated the idea of having a conversation at MaRS the morning of Dec. 11th. If you are interested – comment below or ping me directly.
*** Some other things that have come up in subsequent conversations around this – not sure yet how it will fit into the conversation but keep firing away.
- The role of mindset is fundamental
- ‘Spiritual’ development and the question of “what am I” has a potentially significant role
- My past work around ‘The Great Remix’ may lend to this too