A few weeks ago a few loosely connected people gathered for a conversation – the #convo (tweetstream). Most I hadn’t met before – except through twitter – but the conversation is still with me seems to have woven into some really great places in Toronto’s twittersphere like #thmvmnt #changecamp #tsTO etc.
Here’s a quick recap of what my memory and chicken-scratch allow and I’m hoping some more fulsome records emerge in addition to the great tweetstream and photos.
The group was drawn to the idea that there is a big shift underway and a feeling that we’re dancing around some simple threads that run through the core of this for all of us. What came out were 4 areas:
- Approach -> organic order
- Character -> enlightenment
- Context -> global locality
- Intent -> care to shift – shift to care
The character topic was one that I spent some time on in the convo. We named the cluster ‘character’ because we thought it was trying to describe a way of being — for individuals and for organizations. When asked to describe the concrete action/ultimate realization of that topic what came out was ‘non-denominational enlightenment or self-actualization’ and so whatever things help people and organizations on their own journeys toward ‘enlightenment’ are practical and helpful in developing character. And in the context of an increasingly fluid and transparent world character is ever more clearly a core determinant of outcome.
While I’m at it, there were some other aha’s for me in working up to the convo – the practical disciplines that are/will be most helpful through the shift. Through a series of contributions and conversations those ended up for me as the creative (emphasis on the create part) disciplines of:
There are a few other follow-ups on the wiki. Feel free to jump in. These are exciting times where the creative discplines will rule and participation by doing makes the world we want.
PS… huge thanks again to Joseph Dee for suggesting we do it, Ryan Coleman for bringing his vizthink skills and facilitating, and MaRS for hosting.
Michael, is this a fit for the conversation?
if it fits for you… go with it!
thanks for the post