I’d heard of TechStars before and never thought too much about it – ‘another incubator’ is how I filed it. Well one of my highlights from StartupEmpire was hearing David Cohen of TechStars. Half-way through it struck me… why don’t we do a TechStars for Social Ventures at Hollyhock.
The TechStars model is about an intense 3-month period for 10 ventures to gather, develop and launch their concepts, and gain support from venture veterans and each other. Hollyhock is a place for ‘non-virtual social networking’ and has hosted the social change and venture communities for over a decade. It’s a magical place and I think this would be an extraordinary experiment.
I also, through Twitter, heard that Jon Gosier of Appfrica (@appfrica) is working on TechStars in Uganda. There must be others thinking about doing this for social ventures/innovation. Seems like a no-brainer and the TechStars model is ‘open’. Anyone? Anyone?
Hey there! Actually Appfrica is an incubator modeled after TechStars and Y-Combinator. It's not necessarily a TechStars extension, just built around the same philosophy that good entrepreneurs need peer and mentor support. But we're very much fans of TechStars and being a young organization, we're open to all kinds of possibilities.
Jon, would be interested to hear how you are structuring it and what
parts you are taking from each. i like the 3 month intensive with 10
teams approach.
Tech Stars at Social Venture Institute at Hollyhock (Sept 9-13, 2009), would be a great idea Some adaptation would be needed and we could do a mini variation.
Any keen sponsors out there?
hollyhock.ca for general information about a legendary north american chill spot.
Joel Solomon
Hollyhock Chair,married to Dana the Ceo
Hmmm… perhaps a mini-variation would be a deal making intensive.
Where 10 top social ventures come together with our best influencers
and investors to make new deals (investments, partnerships,
strategies, etc.). A mix between SVI and TechStars. An opportunity to
accelerate the best ventures to the next level. Maybe even linked
with the Social Venture Commons – top 10 ventures from there + top
contributors + investors etc.
Any other ideas?
Hmmm… perhaps a mini-variation would be a deal making intensive.
Where 10 top social ventures come together with our best influencers
and investors to make new deals (investments, partnerships,
strategies, etc.). A mix between SVI and TechStars. An opportunity to
accelerate the best ventures to the next level. Maybe even linked
with the Social Venture Commons – top 10 ventures from there + top
contributors + investors etc.
Any other ideas?