Higlights from “Heart of Enterprise” — the Viable System Model

I’ve been working my way through this tome for a few weeks and have had a number of conversations around it. It’s by far the most valuable piece of work I’ve ever encountered on organizational design — and for me a critical model in ventures that are on the venturing frontier (early concept stage and/or … Continue reading Higlights from “Heart of Enterprise” — the Viable System Model

Lessons in systemic entrepreneurship. The time is now.

Late last fall I had the opportunity to conduct an intensive review of the Vartana initiative on behalf of the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation.  Vartana was an initiative to create a chartable bank in Canada dedicated to serving the voluntary sector. It held the promise of changing the availability of capital for the sector and … Continue reading Lessons in systemic entrepreneurship. The time is now.

Micro-funds: Peer-producing Venture Capital (UPDATE 1)

Here’s my first crack at the Micro-Funds concept.  It’s related to the Social Venture Commons and Social Capital work I’ve been developing. They are all based on the new mode of organizing I see emerging. *** I’ve also added an illustration of 3 alternative models that have emerged in recent conversations. They are all interesting … Continue reading Micro-funds: Peer-producing Venture Capital (UPDATE 1)

The convo I’d like to have: w + ppo + d >> our future

*** SESSION WIKI NOW LIVE *** Those who know me know that this is a persistent theme with me – and now provoked by @josephdee – maybe it’s time to take this into a more focused conversation with a few more folks. Premise: The way of the world is borked. The web (among other things) … Continue reading The convo I’d like to have: w + ppo + d >> our future

The Social Venture Commons: Primer Presentation

Building on my previous posts about the Social Venture Commons here’s a draft overview of what’s been brewing. This venture is one part of my trio to support the ventures working from the new mode of organizing I see emerging. The two other pieces are the micro-funds (presentation coming soon) which is a modified version … Continue reading The Social Venture Commons: Primer Presentation

The influence of open in venturing.

So what does ‘open’ mean for ‘venturing’ and venturing on ‘the frontiers’. From some prior definitions, venturing is process of creating and evolving a venture, where a venture is an agreement among people to do things in service of a purpose and according to a set of values. More simply it’s about the process of … Continue reading The influence of open in venturing.

Giddy-up: getting better on the frontier.

Coming out of this first inquiry I’m left with new definitions for venture, venturing, and venturer and also a simplistic grouping that the process of venturing essentially requires agreement, action, and governance. It is important to note that these are a set of observations and interpretations that will continue to be evolved in practice. As … Continue reading Giddy-up: getting better on the frontier.